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  • Writer's pictureCorey Pewhairangi

82 Persuasive Power Verbs That Sell!

Updated: Jan 23, 2023

Conquer Your Competitors Simply by Out-Wording Them with Persuasive Power Verbs.

A picture of a blue man figure holding a key that says yes.
Persuasive words have power

Super Affiliates Know That Focusing on Persuasive Power Verbs Can Capture Attention, Boost Interest, and Increase Their Leads Desire to Buy.

The following are just examples of the verbs you can use and how they can help you in your content.

Abolish - "Abolish Income Taxes Legally? You Can Do It Too"

Accelerate - "Accelerate Revenues with This 1 Crazy Business Hack!"

Achieve - "Achieve Maximum Traffic While You Sleep. Here's How."

Act - "Act Now and Save Big!"

Adopt - "Adopt This 1 Powerful Trick in Your Headlines to Win Every Time."

Align - "Align Your Upsell with The Initial Product and Your Revenues Will Increase By 35%"

Anticipate - "You Can Anticipate Your Competitor's Next Move in Seconds."

Apply - "Apply This 1 Simple Life Hack to Succeed."

Avoid - "Avoid Doing These 3 Common Mistakes."


Boost - "Boost Revenues Quickly Just by Saying..."

Break - "Break Free Poverty by Doing This..."

Bridge - "Bridge the Gap to a $10,000 Pay Day - Here's How."

Build - "Quickly Build Your Email List Using the Secrets of Super Affiliates."

Burn - "Don't Burn Bridges - Here's Why."


Capture - "Capture Strong Leads in Seconds."

Change - "Change the World One Click at a Time."

Choose - "Choose the Right Affiliate Program and Win!"

Connect - "Connect with Cashed Up Leads Today - It's Easy When You Know How"

Conquer - "Conquer Each Problem, With This 1 Simple Trick."

Convert - "Convert Your Leads to Loyal Fans by Doing This..."

Create - "Create Solutions and Attract the Masses."


Decide - "Decide Right Now - Financial Freedom or a Lifetime of Struggling?"

Define - "Define Your Goals and Then Do This..."

Deliver - "Deliver More Than Expected. You'll Win Every Time."

Develop - "Develop an Unbreakable Winning Strategy Within 3 Minutes."

Discover - "Discover Affiliate Marketing's Biggest Hidden Secrets."

Drive - "Is Drive Enough to Be Successful? Here's Why I Think It's Not"


Eliminate - "Eliminate Your Competition in 7 Days."

Ensure - "This Will Ensure Your Affiliate Marketing Success."

Establish - "Establish Yourself as a Super Affiliate by Doing This..."

Evaluate - "Evaluate These Top 10 Affiliate Networks - Now Choose This..."

Exploit - "Exploit What Your Competitors are Missing Out On!"

Explore - "Children are Encouraged to Explore Mathematics - I Disagree."


Find - "Find Out How You Can Fast Track Your Affiliate Marketing Success Today."

Focus - "Focus on This Step First and the Floodgates Will Open."

Foresee - "You Did Not Foresee This Happening to You Today - and It's Going to Be Huge!"


Gain - "Gain Traction with Little effort."

Gather - "Gather Yourself, Stay Calm. You're About to Be Rich."

Generate - "Generate a Flood Load of Leads with This."

Grasp - "Grasp the Opportunity Before it Goes."


Identify - "Here's How You Can Identify the Perfect Affiliate Program."

Ignite - "Ignite the Fire in Their Belly and They'll Buy. Here's How."

Illuminate - "Illuminate Your Light and The Moths Will Follow."

Implement - "Implement This 1 Powerful Method into Your Marketing Campaign and You'll Win."

Improve - "10 Quick Ways You Can Improve Your ROI."

Increase - "Increase Your ROI by 38% Using This Simple Structure."

Inspire - "10 Easy Ways You Can Inspire Your Leads to Buy."

Intensify - "How to Intensify Your Marketing Campaigns with Just 2 Common Words."


Lead - "How to Lead a Swarm of Followers to Buy."

Learn - "Learn? See How that Simple Word Can Negatively Impact Your CTR."

Leverage - "Use this 1 Simple Trick to Leverage Your Product. It Takes Just 2 Minutes to Work."


Master - "How to Become an Affiliate Marketing Master Within 3 Days."

Maximize - "Maximize Your Income Without any Marketing."

Motivate - "Best Way to Motivate People to Purchase."


Overcome - "3 Simple Ways to Overcome a Challenge and Win Every Time."


Penetrate - "You Can Penetrate Any Niche and Win - Here's How."

Persuade - "This 1 Powerful Phrase Will Persuade Your Leads to Purchase Every Time."

Plan - "Million Dollar Plan That Never Fails?"

Position - "Position Yourself in Front of Your Leads. Easier Done Than Said...Here's How."

Prepare - "Prepare for the Best, Expect the Worst. Do This..."

Prevent - "Prevent Customer Refunds by Avoiding This - Works Every Time."

Profit - "Have You Made a Decent Profit Yet? No? You Need to Read This!"


Raise - "3 Best Ways to Raise Your Online Income in 7 Days."

Realize - "When You Realize Affiliate Marketing is a Game, Play to Win."

Reconsider - "Drop-shipping? You Might Want to Reconsider Affiliate Marketing - Here's Why..."

Reduce - "How to Reduce Ad Spending and Increase Sales."

Replace - "Replace 'Discount' with 'Save' and You'll Increase Sales by 42%."

Resist - "Resist the Urge to Spam. Here's Why..."

Respond - "How to Respond to Negative Feedback and Turn Them into a Fan."


Save - "Save Your Money and Try This for Free!"

Shatter - "Shatter Old Beliefs and Succeed with Prospr."

Sidestep - "Rarely if Ever Do I Sidestep Challenges. Here's How You Can Avoid Them and Win."

Simplify - "Here's How You Can Simplify Your Sales Funnel and Increase Your CTR."

Solve - "Solve Their Problem, They'll Buy. Here's Why..."

Stimulate - "Stimulate Their Senses with This Perfectly Structured Bridge Funnel Template."

Stop - "Stop Making These 3 Common Mistakes Most Affiliate Marketers Do."


Take - "Take Advantage of Your Competitors by Doing This 1 Easy Trick. Instantly Works."

Transform - "Transform Your Ordinary Website to a Bustling Platform Today."


Understand - "Understand Your Audience and Sales Will Flow Just by Adding This...?"

Unleash - "Unleash Your Website's Full Potential - Are You Doing These?

Use - "Use This 1 Powerful Marketing Method that Google Loves."


Win - "Win Every Sale Without Selling."


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