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  • Writer's pictureCorey Pewhairangi

Upselling Strategies to Increase Your Sales.

These subtle techniques of upselling will add value to your customers and increase revenues fast.

This is an image of an selling technique with a small smart device and a large smart device.
Upselling your product

Table of Contents:

What is Upselling? and How to Upsell Without Turning off Your Customers?

This is an upselling image of a small coffee and a large coffee.
Upselling your product

Quite simply, upselling is a sales technique that persuades or encourages your customers to purchase an upgraded, premium version of the product that they have chosen.

I remember as a kid when I would go to Mac Donalds and order a small meal. I would get asked if I would like it upsized to a large meal for just .50¢. Of course, I said yes because it wasn't much, and I got more. I felt like I was winning.

How to Upsell Without Turning off Your Customers?

this is a picture of a woman cringing.
Upselling Without Turning People Off.

There are a couple of things you should take into consideration when upselling to your customers.

  • Before attempting to add additional value to your customer. Make sure your offer in the upsells is aligned with the product your customer is about to purchase. It can be as simple as persuading your customer to upgrade their subscription to premium and what they will gain by doing so.

  • If you're able to, provide your customer with quick wins, and quick results, as soon as possible. Something that will deliver immediate value to your customer. The quicker you can do this. The faster you can deepen your relationship with your customer, the easier it'll be to upsell.

  • Pitch ideas to your customer as to why you think they need to upgrade. How will the upgrade help them avoid 'X' and how will they benefit?

  • Use social proof to persuade them to upgrade. "Don't buy or use fake reviews. People can see right through it and your credibility will be thrown out the window."

7 Upselling Techniques You Can Implement 'Right Now' to Boost Revenues.

There are so many different strategies and techniques you can use to boost revenues, however. These 7 upselling techniques that I have used and ones that have worked for me. So, without any further ado, let's just jump right in.

  1. Select the right upsell

  • Product Protection

  • Version Upgrade

2. Use Urgency

3. Provide Social Proof

4. Upsell After the Purchase

5. Offer Free Shipping

6. Always Offer the Upsell

7. Follow Up Email

this is a picture of a badge that says 1 year warranty
Product Protection

1.1 Product Protection

This technique is subtle and works well.

Product protection can come in the form of an extended warranty where the company will protect the product from any problems that could arise.


1.2 Version Upgrade

This is an image of a clock with the message, a time to upgrade written on it.
Time to Upgrade.

You can do this by simply offering your customers a better version of the product that holds powerful benefits for them.

This is popular with membership subscriptions.


2. Use Urgency

This is an image of a courier man running urgently.

Giving your customers a sense of urgency will help increase the odds of capturing the upsell right there and then.

Persuasive wording will make a big difference to encourage your customers to take action.


3. Provide Social Proof

Showing screenshots of your 5-star ratings and screenshots of real positive feedback will help to quickly build trust with your leads.

Word of warning. Avoid being tempted to pay for fake reviews. Your leads will see straight through it and will most likely avoid going back to your website like the plague.


4. Upsell After the Purchase

This is an image of a woman holding shopping bags.
Upsell After the Purchase.

This works well and is one that worked on me. After I had purchased some software, I was redirected to a thank you page, continued by an upsell page.

The upsell page told me what I had purchased, and how good the software is followed by the advantages I'll get from their upgraded version for just a couple of extra dollars on the basic software price (paraphrasing).

I was also offered many free gifts which I considered a good deal and I purchased that upsell. Their strategy was great and well-structured. They had 2 upsells and a down-sell.


5. Offer Free Shipping

This is an image of a truck with the words free shipping written on the side.
Offer Free Shipping.

This is an old tactic, but it works well and is one you've probably seen many times. It's as simple as reminding your visitors, by spending a certain amount, your customer will receive free shipping. It works better if you're able to offer 'fast' free shipping.


6. Always Offer the Upsell.

This is an image of the words limited offer of on it.
Limited Offer.

Always offer the upsell without being too pushy.

Knowing where to place the upsell is key so some testing will help. 2 common places to show the upsell are:

  1. at the checkout. Order bumps work well here too.

  2. after the purchase.


Follow Up Email.

Follow-up emails are a popular strategy used among businesses and affiliate marketers. Collecting a customer's

This is an image of email icons
Follow-up Email.

email addresses have many benefits:

  • It's an easy way for you to communicate directly with a qualified lead.

  • It's a powerful way to market.

  • It's cost-effective.

  • You know what they like so you can pinch, poke and prod them until they buy.


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